Hybrid Assistant Report

Car model: RAV4
Generated at: 10/10/2016 20:23:58
Collector Version: 58
Reporter Version: 12

Trip summary

Trip Total EV EV %
Distance 17.86 km 7.37 km 41%
Time 29:09 14:43 51%


Average: 39 km/h
Max: 89 km/h


Fuel Consumption: 6.98 L/100km
Fuel Usage: 1.25 L

Device info


Manufacturer: samsung
Model: SM-T713
Product: gts28vewifixx
Android SDK: 23
Screen: 1536x2048
Scale: 2


Connection type: Bluetooth
Model: OBDLink LX
MAC Address: 00:04:3E:6A:A3:4D
Name: ELM327 v1.3a
Manufacturer: SCANTOOL.NET LLC

Requests per second

Average: 28
Start: 33
End: 33
Delta: 0
Min: 16
Max: 37

Sampling Info

Start time: 09/10/2016 15:00:32
End time: 09/10/2016 15:29:45
Duration: 29:12
Samples: 8580

Sample time

Average: 0.20 sec
Variance: 0.00 sec

SOC Statistics


Average: 60.77%
Start: 45.88%
End: 61.96%
Delta: 16.08%
Min: 41.96%
Max: 70.98%
Variance: 49.52%

Difference from optimum: 0.77%
SOC gained from brakings: 41.57%
SOC gained from coasting: 21.18%
Total SOC gained: 62.75%
SOC charged by ICE: 22.35%

High Voltage Battery Statistics

Battery Current

Average: -1.20 A
Min: -87.74 A
Max: 150.36 A

Battery Voltage

Average: 285.53 V
Min: 228.50 V
Max: 327.50 V

HV Battery Power

Average: -0.729 kW
Start: 1.297 kW
End: 0.339 kW
Delta: -0.958 kW
Min: -28.010 kW
Max: 35.109 kW

Battery Charge Current Limit

Average: -26.782 kW
Start: -26.000 kW
End: -25.500 kW
Delta: 0.500 kW
Min: -27.000 kW
Max: -25.500 kW

Battery Discharge Current Limit

Average: 25.353 kW
Start: 24.500 kW
End: 25.500 kW
Delta: 1.000 kW
Min: 24.500 kW
Max: 25.500 kW

Total energy from the battery: 1.290 kWh
Total energy to the battery: 1.660 kWh
Battery energy balance: 0.370 kWh

Average Services consumption: 0.814 kW

Average Power Usage

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 km/h kW

Temperature Statistics

Ambient Temperature

Average: 16 °C
Start: 20 °C
End: 17 °C
Delta: -3 °C
Min: 15 °C
Max: 20 °C

Engine Coolant Temperature

Average: 76 °C
Start: 32 °C
End: 83 °C
Delta: 51 °C
Min: 32 °C
Max: 85 °C

Time to reach 40 °C: 0:35 sec
Time to reach 50 °C: 1:47 sec
Time to reach 60 °C: 2:53 sec
Time to reach 65 °C: 3:52 sec
Time to reach 70 °C: 4:03 sec

Battery Inhaling Temperature

Average: 22 °C
Start: 20 °C
End: 24 °C
Delta: 4 °C
Min: 20 °C
Max: 25 °C

Battery Temperature Sensor 1

Average: 32 °C
Start: 25 °C
End: 37 °C
Delta: 12 °C
Min: 25 °C
Max: 37 °C

Battery Temperature Sensor 2

Average: 34 °C
Start: 26 °C
End: 40 °C
Delta: 14 °C
Min: 26 °C
Max: 40 °C

Battery Temperature Sensor 3

Average: 31 °C
Start: 23 °C
End: 38 °C
Delta: 15 °C
Min: 23 °C
Max: 38 °C

Battery Temperature Sensor 4

Average: 32 °C
Start: 24 °C
End: 39 °C
Delta: 15 °C
Min: 24 °C
Max: 39 °C

Battery Temperature Sensor 5

Average: 34 °C
Start: 26 °C
End: 41 °C
Delta: 15 °C
Min: 26 °C
Max: 41 °C

Battery Temperature Sensor 6

Average: 32 °C
Start: 25 °C
End: 38 °C
Delta: 13 °C
Min: 25 °C
Max: 38 °C

Highest sensor

Battery Temperature Sensor 1: 0%
Battery Temperature Sensor 2: 48%
Battery Temperature Sensor 3: 0%
Battery Temperature Sensor 4: 0%
Battery Temperature Sensor 5: 100%
Battery Temperature Sensor 6: 1%

Trip Statistics

Elevation Profile

62 92.2 122.4 152.6 182.8 213 0 1.8 3.6 5.4 7.1 8.9 10.7 12.5 14.3 16.1 17.9 Distance Elevation


Average: 108 m
Start: 94 m
End: 92 m
Delta: -2 m
Min: 62 m
Max: 213 m

Total upward: 281
Total downward: 34


Average: 39 km/h
Max: 89 km/h

Engine Statistics

Ignitions: 48
Inefficient Ignitions: 20


Average: 1,627
Max: 4,992

Engine Load

Average: 64%
Max: 100%

Engine power

Average: 13.260 kW
Max: 112.758 kW

Ignition Timing

Average: 13°
Min: -13°
Max: 48°

Short Term Fuel Trim

Average: -0%
Min: -15%
Max: 7%

Long Term Fuel Trim

Average: 2%
Min: 1%
Max: 3%


Energy from the petrol engine: 3.45 kWh
Energy Consumption: 17.26 kWh/100km
Fuel Consumption: 6.98 L/100km
Fuel Usage: 1.25 L

Power Map

0 24 48 72 96 120 1000 1400 1800 2200 2600 3000 3400 3800 4200 4600 5000 RPM kW


0 60 120 180 240 300 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 Engine Speed [RPM] Engine Torque [Nm] 5kW 10kW 15kW 20kW 30kW 40kW 50kW 60kW 70kW 80kW 90kW 100kW 110kW 120kW 130kW 140kW 150kW


Average: 373
Variance: 758,076

ICE Running: 49%
ICE Spinning: 8%
ICE Off: 58%
Max time of ICE Running: 0:15 sec
Max time of ICE Spinning: 0:08 sec
Max time of ICE Off: 0:15 sec

EV Statistics

Trip Length: 17.86 km
EV Range: 7.37 km
EV: 51%
EV traction: 18%
Excessive EV: 3%
Excessive EV events: 16
Max time of EV: 0:15 sec
Max time of EV traction: 0:04 sec
Max time of Excessive EV: 0:02 sec


Brakings: 64
Good Brakings: 25
Bad Brakings: 26
Mixed Brakings: 13
Braking Efficiency: 49.22 %
Braking while moving: 16%
Max time of Braking while moving: 0:03 sec
Total energy recovered by braking: 0.900 kWh

Recovery by braking

-30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 km/h kW

Recovery by coasting

-30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 km/h kW

Car Driving

Pulse: 2%
Glide: 1%
Approximate Glide: 1%
Coasting: 18%
Heretical: 4%
Sweet Spot: 1%
Accelerator pressed: 55%
Moving: 90%
Max time of Pulse: 0:00 sec
Max time of Glide: 0:00 sec
Max time of Approximate Glide: 0:00 sec
Max time of Coasting: 0:08 sec
Max time of Heretical: 0:03 sec
Max time of Sweet Spot: 0:01 sec
Max time of Accelerator pressed: 0:35 sec
Max time of Moving: 1:56 sec

Power Meter Statistics

HSI Power zone: 8%
HSI upper ECO zone: 18%
HSI lower ECO zone: 38%
HSI Charge zone: 36%
Max time of HSI Power zone: 0:03 sec
Max time of HSI upper ECO zone: 0:05 sec
Max time of HSI lower ECO zone: 0:11 sec
Max time of HSI Charge zone: 0:09 sec


EV Map

48.97 48.97 48.98 48.98 48.99 48.99 49 49.01 49.01 49.02 49.02 2 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.1 2.11 Longitude Latitude Engine Running EV Point size is proportial to applied power


48.97 48.97 48.98 48.98 48.99 48.99 49 49.01 49.01 49.02 49.02 2 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.1 2.11 Longitude Latitude Engine Off Low Efficiency Medium Efficiency High Efficiency Best Efficiency

Instantanous Consumption Map

48.97 48.97 48.98 48.98 48.99 48.99 49 49.01 49.01 49.02 49.02 2 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.1 2.11 Longitude Latitude Engine Off < 3L/100km < 4L/100km < 5L/100km >= 5L/100km

Driver Evaluation

Accelerator Nervousness: 2.68
Braking Efficiency: 49.22%
Inefficient Ignitions: 20